Saturday, January 10, 2009

Every bit counts

Randy is an advocate for ibogaine and he is just like anyone of us; he is not a doctor or scientist but has been involved in collecting ibogaine experiences for the benefit of others. This email just goes to show that YOU can make a difference as an individual. Your opinion matters and if you speak out it makes a difference; I hope this will inspire others to share their experiences which will lead to change and with hope stop the "war on drugs" and allow us to reacess things.

At least a third of the prison population (Quoted as a growth industry in the USA) are incarcerated for non violent drug related offenses. This leads to you; the tax payer paying to have people locked up who are not a danger to society and are vulnerable due to being placed in the same confines as other prisoners guilty of serious crimes against humanity.

MAPS is involved in psychedelic research among other things; please read on...

MAPS News: Healing Hearts and Minds in 2009 - January

Dear Randy,

Are you aware that your support of MAPS is not only helping to heal victims of sexual assault, trauma from war, and other causes of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but is also helping to heal the wounds of the war on drugs? Let me explain.

Have you heard that Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, has been selected to be the next United States' Surgeon General? Just two months ago, Dr. Gupta reported enthusiastically about the success of our US Phase 2 MDMA/PTSD pilot study. This means that the Nation's Doctor is going to be walking into his new post in charge of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps with a fresh memory of the benefits and successes of psychedelic psychotherapy. Dr. Gupta will be one of Barack Obama's go-to-people for insight into health-related issues. MAPS supporters can now hope that our research and goals will be spoken of highly to the occupant of the highest office of the United States!

MAPS as an organization has always been open to have honest dialogue with the press. This is why Dr. Gupta reported our research on CNN and why in the last few months MAPS' research has been reported in The Economist, Nature, the London Independent, ABC News Online, BBC, New Scientist, the Calgary Herald, and the Sarasota Herald Tribune, among others.

Every time someone with exaggerated fears of MDMA, psychedelics and marijuana, reads or sees one of these positive news stories, they have to reevaluate their beliefs. Due to gobs of anti-drug propaganda, most people who have never used MDMA believe that it is a very dangerous drug without medical benefits. MDMA does have its risks, as does every drug, and these risks are substantially increased in non-medical contexts. Nevertheless, in medical research, MDMA's risks are minimal and its medical benefits are remarkable. People with the false notion that MDMA is excessively dangerous are forced to rethink why this drug is illegal when they learn that people with PTSD have been cured after MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. Similarly, when someone learns that marijuana can safely ease a plethora of ailments, they have to rethink why marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug (considered to have a high potential of abuse and no currently accepted medical use).

Your support of MAPS is educating and changing the minds of the public about the misconceptions used to support drug prohibition. MAPS' work in the lab is healing the hearts and minds of our subjects. Outside of the lab, your support for MAPS is healing hearts and minds warped by the war on drugs.

We at MAPS request your continued support in this New Year as we work diligently towards our goal of making a society where psychedelic psychotherapy and medical marijuana are legally available, without fear, for all those who need it. Please help MAPS by sharing this email news update with your friends who don't already receive it. If you haven't yet become a member, we invite you to do so immediately by going to


Randolph Hencken, MA
MAPS Communications and Marketing Director


Here's a sample of what is happening this month at MAPS:
Bush Administration Last Minute Blow to Scientific Freedom
Dutch and US Marijuana Vaporizer Researchers Collaborate
Medical Marijuana Donation Leveraged in Israel
MDMA/PTSD Documents Submitted to Health Canada
MAPS' International MDMA/PTSD Research Progresses into the New Year
The Economist Magazine Profiles MAPS' MDMA/PTSD study
Ibogaine Project has Sixth Subject, Funding is Still Needed
Volunteers Wanted for On-line Survey Research Project on Effects of Recreational Drug Use
Two MAPS Published Books go to Press
MAPS President Rick Doblin PhD Podcast Available at Gnostic Media
Hofmann and Grey make the New York Times
MAPS Bulletin on Ecology and Psychedelics Seeking Submissions
* * * Dues-paying MAPS members are empowering staff, scientists, and volunteers to carry out pioneering research and educational projects. To donate, learn about the benefits of MAPS membership, or purchase books, clothes, art, and other merchandise, visit: * * *